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  • Hair

  • Show all 5 services

  • Wash Cut and Style

    The most common service, for clients who visit us every 4 weeks or less and don’t require a specialist service.

    40 minutes, £22.00

  • Skinfade

    Skin fade is when we take the hair to its shortest length with either a 0 grade or we go more extreme with foils. 

    45 minutes, £23.00

  • Back and Sides

    When the top is the perfect length and you just need that quick tidy up on the sides and back. 

    30 minutes, £18.00

  • Restyle or Longer Hair

    Restyle is for clients that prefer to leave a little longer between visits, and the style we had created previously has lost its shape and needs to be restyled. (5wks onwards between visits)... this service is also for longer hair so we have enough dedicated time. 

    45 minutes, £24.00

  • Transformation

    Transformation is for the extreme, when you want to go from long hair to short.

    50 minutes, £27.50

  • Beards and Shaves

  • Beard Shape Up

    For those of us that are proud of our facial hair, and want to keep it looking clean and tidy 

    20 minutes, £16.50

  • Full Works

  • Show all 6 services

  • Wash Cut and Styled and Beard

    55 minutes, £31.00

  • Skinfade and Beard

    1 hour, £33.00

  • Skinfade and Beard Shape Up

    1 hour, £31.00

  • Back, Sides and Beard

    45 minutes, £29.00

  • Restyle/Longer Hair and Beard

    1 hour, £35.00

  • Transformation and Beard

    1 hour 10 minutes, £40.00

  • Students and Under 16's

  • Show all 7 services

  • Wash and Cut (Student and Under 16's)

    35 minutes, £18.00

  • Skinfade (Student and Under 16's)

    40 minutes, £19.50

  • Restyle (Student and Under 16's)

    40 minutes, £19.50

  • Back and Sides (Student and Under 16's)

    When the top is the perfect length and you just need that quick tidy up on the sides and back. 

    30 minutes, £15.00

  • Wash and Cut (Under 10's)

    30 minutes, £16.50

  • Restyle (Under 10's)

    35 minutes, £18.00

  • Skinfade (Under 10's)

    35 minutes, £18.00

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