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  • Hair

  • Wash Cut and Style

    The most common service, for clients who visit us every 4 weeks or less and don’t require a specialist service.

    40 minutes, £20.00

  • Skinfade

    Skin fade is when we take the hair to its shortest length with either a 0 grade or we go more extreme with foils. 

    45 minutes, £21.00

  • Back and Sides

    When the top is the perfect length and you just need that quick tidy up on the sides and back. 

    30 minutes, £18.00

  • Students and Under 16's

  • Show all 5 services

  • Wash and Cut (Student and Under 16's)

    40 minutes, £17.00

  • Skinfade (Student and Under 16's)

    45 minutes, £19.00

  • Back and Sides (Student and Under 16's)

    When the top is the perfect length and you just need that quick tidy up on the sides and back. 

    30 minutes, £15.00

  • Wash and Cut (Under 10's)

    30 minutes, £15.00

  • Skinfade (Under 10's)

    45 minutes, £17.00

  • 0 services selected

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